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Apartamentos en venta

Descubre tu nuevo hogar

Vive en Ibiza

Construcción de calidad

Apartamentos en venta
Conjunto residencial Ibiza

Descubre nuestros apartamentos en Fusagasugá, tu nuevo hogar espera.

Nuestras opciones


Proyecto único residencial

Conjunto Residencial Ibiza

Construimos tu hogar ideal en Fusagasugá, ofreciendo apartamentos de calidad en un entorno excepcional.

A group of multi-story residential buildings with modern architecture. The facade of the central building is predominantly white with dark windows, featuring vertical decorative elements and black wrought iron railings. Adjacent structures exhibit a mix of textures and materials, including glass and stone, under a clear sky.
A group of multi-story residential buildings with modern architecture. The facade of the central building is predominantly white with dark windows, featuring vertical decorative elements and black wrought iron railings. Adjacent structures exhibit a mix of textures and materials, including glass and stone, under a clear sky.
Multiple high-rise residential buildings under construction are surrounded by a mix of cleared land and other construction activities. The area is partly developed with a combination of dirt and concrete surfaces. Nearby, several smaller buildings and construction equipment can be seen, with green netting on some structures indicating an ongoing project.
Multiple high-rise residential buildings under construction are surrounded by a mix of cleared land and other construction activities. The area is partly developed with a combination of dirt and concrete surfaces. Nearby, several smaller buildings and construction equipment can be seen, with green netting on some structures indicating an ongoing project.

Ubicación Ideal

Descubre el Conjunto Residencial Ibiza en Fusagasugá, Colombia, donde la comodidad y la modernidad se encuentran en nuestros apartamentos en venta.


Calle Ejemplo #123, Fusagasugá


Lunes a Viernes